
As an eCommerce agency specializing in Shopify design, development, and growth, we understand the importance of choosing the right point-of-sale (POS) platform for your online business. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive comparison of Shopify's POS platform and Square's POS platform, empowering you with the information you need to make an informed decision. While our aim is to provide an unbiased analysis, we naturally lean slightly in favor of Shopify POS, given our expertise and experience with the platform.

1. User Interface and Ease of Use

Both Shopify POS and Square POS offer user-friendly interfaces that enable businesses to set up their POS systems quickly and start selling. However, Shopify takes the lead with its intuitive design and seamless navigation. The sleek and modern dashboard of Shopify provides a visually appealing and efficient user experience, ensuring a seamless workflow for store owners and employees. The clean interface and well-organized features make it easy to manage your online store efficiently.

2. Inventory Management

Efficient inventory management is crucial for any eCommerce business, and both Shopify POS and Square POS deliver in this area. Shopify POS offers a comprehensive suite of tools for inventory management, including real-time updates across multiple sales channels, inventory tracking, stock alerts, and automatic product syncing. These features simplify the process of keeping track of stock levels, avoiding overselling, and ensuring accurate inventory data.

Square POS also provides inventory management capabilities, but it may be better suited for businesses with simpler inventory needs. While it offers basic inventory tracking features, it may lack the advanced functionality required by larger businesses or those with more complex product catalogs.

3. Payment Processing

Both Shopify POS and Square POS offer integrated payment processing solutions, enabling businesses to accept various payment methods seamlessly. Square is widely recognized for its payment processing capabilities and offers a diverse range of options, including credit cards, mobile payments, and even the ability to accept payments offline. However, Shopify POS provides similar payment processing capabilities while offering lower transaction fees for users on its in-house payment solution, Shopify Payments. This advantage can contribute to cost savings for businesses, especially those with high transaction volumes.

4. Ecosystem and Integrations

Shopify's POS platform boasts a robust ecosystem that extends beyond the point of sale. With Shopify, businesses gain access to a vast selection of integrations and apps that can enhance their operations and provide additional functionality. The Shopify App Store offers a wide range of options for marketing, accounting, inventory management, and more, allowing businesses to customize their POS system according to their specific needs.

While Square POS also offers integration options, Shopify's ecosystem provides a more extensive selection and is known for its seamless integrations with popular eCommerce tools. This flexibility and scalability make Shopify POS an ideal choice for businesses looking to expand their operations and leverage a diverse range of services.

5. Customer Support and Resources

When it comes to customer support and resources, Shopify excels in providing extensive documentation, tutorials, and a dedicated support team to assist businesses at every step of their eCommerce journey. With 24/7 customer support via multiple channels, including live chat and email, Shopify ensures that businesses can address their concerns promptly.

Square also offers customer support options, including phone support and a community forum. However, the level of support provided by Shopify is often regarded as more comprehensive and responsive, offering peace of mind to businesses relying on their POS platform.

6. Pricing

When comparing pricing, both Shopify POS and Square POS offer competitive options. Square POS has a transparent pricing structure, with no monthly fees and reasonable transaction fees. However, it's important to consider the additional costs for certain features or services.

Shopify POS offers different pricing plans to cater to businesses of all sizes, starting from the Basic Shopify plan with affordable monthly fees. While transaction fees apply, users can benefit from reduced fees by using Shopify Payments. The pricing plans include various features and benefits, allowing businesses to choose a plan that aligns with their specific requirements and growth goals.


Choosing the right POS platform is a critical decision for your eCommerce business. Both Shopify POS and Square POS offer compelling features, but Shopify's robust ecosystem, intuitive user interface, comprehensive inventory management, and extensive integration options make it the preferred choice for many businesses. With dedicated customer support and flexible pricing plans, Shopify POS provides a solid foundation for your eCommerce success.