Within the past few years, eCommerce has undergone a revolution. More and more shoppers are flocking to their devices to make purchases from every product niche imaginable. Thus, to cope with the demand, business owners have needed to rethink and even restructure their online operations.

So, what is Shopify Plus? And, could it help you more adequately serve your online customers’ needs? Let’s find out.

What Is Shopify Plus

Simply put, Shopify Plus is a fully hosted eCommerce platform designed specifically for high-volume brands. Born in 2014, this extension of Shopify’s traditional plans facilitates more effective eCommerce operations for high-growth companies.

Out With the Old…

With Shopify Plus, you don’t need any clunky, outdated software or an army of developers on call. Say “good-bye” to singular storefronts with boring check-out processes, and confusing staff accounts.

… And in With the New

Shopify Plus revolutionizes eCommerce with additional API access to create endless customized applications. It provides business owners with a dedicated Launch Engineer to assist with third-party integrations and forge connections with design and development partners.

Plus, the software reveals new options for customized, high-powered check-out systems with personalized branding. Further, Shopify Plus includes unlimited staff accounts with enhanced permissions, for ultra-organized internal operations.

More Shopify Plus Benefits

  • Usage of the Shopify Plus Admin Page for organized access of all stores on one display
  • No-charge POS Pro units for all in-store locations
  • A dedicated wholesale channel with a password protected wholesale store
  • Access to advanced shop applications for continued growth and usability
  • Ability to add up to 100 themes for seasonal use, testing, and more

Keep Learning With Shopify Plus

In order to thrive in today’s competitive landscape, business owners need to remain informed and knowledgeable on all things eCommerce. For that reason, Shopify Plus offers two thorough learning resources for business owners who utilize this powerful enterprise platform.

The Merchant Success Program helps users derive the most value from Shopify Plus to better leverage its eCommerce power. Secondly, the Shopify Plus Academy highlights important topics and lessons to grow a strong online legacy. By coupling the advice and training contained in these two exclusive courses, entrepreneurs have the ability to set their business on the course for continued growth and ultra-organized manageability.

Is Shopify Plus Right for You?

If your business is selling thousands of products per day, and your current platform is causing more headaches than help, consider the benefits of Shopify Plus. It’s built with forward-thinking growth as a focus and is backed by the power and drive to support it.

Feel free to schedule a quick chat with one of our Shopify experts if you require some assistance deciding which eCommerce platform is best for your needs.